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£10,000,000 Public Liability Insurance is a benefit of membership
Membership applications for 2025 can now be made.

Rachel and Jim Zoom meeting

Rachel and Jim Zoom meeting

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The AMDS membership year and the insurance cover is from 1st January until 31st December each year. It is important to note, that as with motor vehicle insurance Public Liability Insurance from insurers is provided for only one year at a time, and CANNOT be purchased for more than 12 months from the actual start date. If considering a membership of any other organisation including a Public Liability Insurance, do question the start date of their policy because it will only be for a term of 12 months.
The AMDS insurance policy is based on the requirements of our management team that have years of experience in the hobby of metal detecting. It includes cover when members are attending and detecting at commercially organised metal detecting events, providing educational lectures and courses, or when participating in competitive metal detecting.

You can if you wish now purchase AMDS membership for One year £5, Two years £10, or THREE years £15 for peace of mind, and your digital or printed membership card will be sent to you prior to the start of each year (let us know if you would prefer the digital membership card).

What is, what is not insured can be viewed by clicking HERE.

Confirmation of the AMDS insurance benefit can be viewed or downloaded HERE.
Carry a copy with you to show the landowner when applying for permission to metal detect)

Some questions were recently asked by one of our member clubs.

Does the Public Liability insurance policy provide: -

  • Protection against legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property?

  • Protection against legal liability to pay compensation including legal costs for death or bodily injury, or damage to third party property arising from products supplied. For example when a member is providing a talk and display? 

  • Protection for affiliated clubs, instructors or coaches for claims made against them which allege that a third party has suffered an injury caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions during coaching activities?

The answer from our insurers is: -

They can confirm the points raised will all be covered under the policy. 

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