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Instructions for Clubs or Regions.

Membership subscriptions for an individual member are one year £5, two years £10, and three years £15.


Ensure that ALL your club or region members are made aware and agree that you can send their data to AMDS for membership purposes as outlined in our Data Privacy Notice. Email is used to maintain membership. If any of your members do not wish to provide an email address then please explain to them that AMDS will produce newsletters and information to members digitally that they will not receive. As a club or region another member can of course share our digital output with their members so they are not otherwise excluded.


You will need to click HERE to view a text file, and then follow the instructions in this document to complete your membership application.


Download the FREE Club and Regional Excel Data Book template. Complete the data entries and a copy can be retained by your club secretary that complies with GDPR (data protection) as it is password protected. You can then renew or apply for membership as a club by sending the completed data as an attachment to AMDS.  YOU CAN DOWNLOAD A COPY OF THIS DATA BOOK by clicking HERE


There is help for club and regional applications when submitting data HERE. You will need to ask for the password to view the contents of this section of the web site. Email


Once you have downloaded and saved the FREE Club and Regional Excel Data Book, email for the password. We will forward this to you.

Complete the application form, and then email a copy of it and your completed Club and Regional Excel Data Book (password protected) to 


If you have created a unique password send this to this same email address in a separate email to enable AMDS to open the returned Club and Regional Excel Data book, and include your club or region name and your name.


On receipt of your application form and club or regional data the membership cards will be processed. You can then make a direct BACS payment to cover your membership requirements to our bank account as below. We will provide you with an invoice/Receipt (if requested) although each membership card issued is a receipt for a subscription: -


Bank: Lloyds

Account name: Association for Metal Detecting Sport

Account number: 50682662 

Sort Code: 309897


Clubs or Regions can also pay by cheque made payable to Association for Metal Detecting Sport.


Once the payment is cleared, the required number of membership cards will be sent directly to you for distribution to your club or region members.


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